Congrats to Mario and Eileen Puente on the birth of their handsome boy, Daniel Ryan. He was born on Friday afternoon, giving him just over 24 hours to adjust to the realities of being a Cougar fan before the Bayou Bucket game.

The little guy entered the world on September 8, 2023, at 1:17 p.m. His first pro day workout shows a length of 20.5 inches and a weight of 7 pounds, 10 ounces. Brian Early’s first projection calls him a nose guard, although Kelvin Sampson is curious to see how he defends the wing. Both coaches concede there’s not a lot of game film on this new prospect.
Congrats to the parents and big brother Boogie on the new recruit.

Mario is the exceptional staff photographer for He’s also a high school teacher and coach.