Have you recently seen “Ya Woo Cougar Football” online and thought WTF is that? Are you feeling old and out of touch? Don’t worry – I think there’s a lot of us feeling the same. Here’s some background info.
Ya Woo Cougar Football, or #YWCF, began out of frustration on reddit and has grown into a rallying cry for students on campus.
The original reddit post came over a week ago – the user was complaining on r/UniversityOfHouston about parking lots closing for the Tulsa game.
The comment has since been deleted but everything survives on the Internet:
It is alleged that the original complainer is actually a grad student that came from UT undergrad. Hmmm. In that thread, UH students came to the school’s defense and even embraced the phrase.
They’ve now made it their own. Reddit users have began threads using the phrase and created memes to memorialize YWCF.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#c62b29″ class=”” size=””]This isn’t UT, this isn’t TAMU, no one is like, “YA WOO COUGAR FOOTBALL.”[/perfectpullquote]
For the Tulsa game, student Michael Olle created his own YWCF shirt:

It appears another student did as well:
Even the official UH twitter account has gotten into the act, posting this image based on the now-famous Shasta Toad (don’t ask):
The popular subreddit r/CFB caught onto the craze once UH fans brought the slogan over there. r/CFB tweeted it to their 145,000 followers. #YWCF has gone national.
UH students have taken a flippant, mocking phrase from reddit and turned it into a battle cry. It’s actually pretty funny.
Added: The Daily Cougar has a story about it this morning.
Cover photo by reddit user thedonsaint