Koby Young is turning heads early in his first camp

Offensive players have been raving about Koby Young all summer. Last week, several receivers told me he was a guy to watch. Players mention his speed and burst. For his part, Koby has been like a sponge, trying to get better by learning from teammates and his position coach, Derrick Sherman.

When asked about the coaching he received in Wednesday’s first practice, when Sherman ran down to him and demanded he finish the play, Young was grateful for Sherman’s actions.

“From day one, (Coach Sherman) told me he was gonna be tough on me. He was gonna expect greatness out of me,” Koby said in the interview below.

Note: Winds gusted at times while we were recording this interview. A small portion of the video had to be removed (a question), but the wind was pretty noticeable at parts near the end. Apologies for that.

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