Mylik Wilson has been getting more playing time off the bench, a sparkplug for these top-five Cougars. As his minutes have gone up, so too has his confidence. The coaching staff sees that and encourages him to use his natural gifts – speed, athleticism, and toughness – to be a more effective player.
Less than two hours after learning his team's March Madness fate, Kelvin Sampson joined the podcast Talkin' Bout Them Brackets. Sampson spoke at...
Kellen Sampson joins Talkin' Bout Them Cougars Live on Sunday at 8 p.m.
Talkin' Bout Them Cougars Live! is a weekly podcast featuring conversations with...
Austin Carlisle (Ridge Point QB) and Zaylen Cormier (Heights WR) will each sign with UH Football on Wednesday. In this conversation, we discuss their...
In this one-on-one conversation, Houston Basketball senior J'Wan Roberts breaks down JoJo Tugler's game, his appreciation for the UH Basketball program, what he's learned...
UH VP for Intercollegiate Athletics Eddie Nuñez joined Talkin' Bout Them Cougars Live! to discuss football, basketball's upcoming season, and the excellent rollout of...