Through an open-records request submitted by, UH has released the contracts of several new football assistant coaches.
Defensive coaches
Joe Cauthen – through February 28, 2022.
Base salary: $225,000 (all 3 years)
Non-salary compensation:
1st year: $205,000
2nd year: $225,000
3rd year: $225,000
Cauthen receives a signing bonus of $20,000 within 30 days of his MOU (January 17th).
Doug Belk – through February 28, 2022
Base salary: $400,000
Brian Early – through February 28, 2021
Base salary: $250,000
Blake Gideon – through February 28, 2020
Base salary: $150,000
Offensive coaches
Brandon Jones – through February 28, 2022
Base salary: $500,000
Marquel Blackwell – through February 28, 2022
Base salary: $400,000
Tyron Carrier – through February 28, 2021
Base salary: $300,000
Shannon Dawson – through February 29, 2020
Base salary: $200,000
Darl Bauer (S&C) – through February 29, 2022
Base salary: $250,000
Each coach receives a courtesy vehicle or a stipend of $500/month. They also receive relocation expenses (moving cost, COBRA reimbursement and allowance for temporary housing for 6 weeks) up to $15,000. These costs must be repaid if the coach leaves for another job in the next 12 months.
Each coach has a strong bonus structure that incentivizes championships:
1/2 month base salary if team plays in the conference championship game OR
1 month base salary if team wins the conference championship game.
1/2 month if team plays in non-New Years Six bowl OR
1 month base salary if team wins non-New Years Six bowl.
1 month base salary if team plays in NY6 bowl OR
1.5 month base salary if team wins NY6 bowl .
2 months base salary if team plays in the CFP title game.
Buyout (either way) is 50% of all salary or non-salary (if applicable) compensation. If he leaves on his own, the buyout is due to UH within 30 days of leaving.

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